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explosion Creation Documentation

This documentation outlines the process of creating explosion for the game.

explosion Data Structure

The explosion files should contain the following attributes for each explosion:

  • type: An integer representing the type of shot.
  • path_sprite: A string representing the file path to the shot's sprite image.

  • animation_tics: A float representing the time between animation frames. default 0.1

  • animation_type: A string representing the type of animation. default "loop"
    • "loop": The animation will loop.
    • "boomerang": The animation will play forward and then in reverse.
    • "once": The animation will play once and then stop.
    • "loop_once": The animation will loop until the end and then stop.
  • animation: An object specifying the animation dimensions with the following properties:
    • x: The x-coordinate of the animation's top-left corner.
    • y: The y-coordinate of the animation's top-left corner.
    • width: The width of the animation.
    • height: The height of the animation.

Here's an example JSON data structure for an explosion:

  "type": 1,
  "path_sprite": "assets/sprites/spaceship.gif",
  "animation_tics": 0.2,
  "animation_type": "loop_once",
  "animation": [
      "x": 0
      // Additional animation properties...