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Entity Technical


Haze::Core - a class representing the entities used in the haze engine.


#include "Component.hpp"
namespace Haze {
    class Entity {
        Entity(ComponentList *componentList, size_t _id);
        void addComponent(Component *component);
        void removeComponent(std::string type);
        Component *getComponent(std::string type);
        size_t getId() const { return _id; };

        size_t _id;
        ComponentList *_componentList;


The purpose of the Entity class is to allow the user of Haze to manipulate the components of the system.

The concept of Entity in Haze is only an id that points toward a list of components


void addComponent(Component *component);
addComponent is used to add a component to an entity

void removeComponent(std::string type);
removeComponent is used to remove a component from an entity

Component *getComponent(std::string type);
getComponent is used to get and modify a component of an entity

size_t getId() const { return _id; };
getId is used to get the id of an entity