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Engine Technical


Haze::Engine - a the main engine class.


#include "Entity.hpp"
#include "ComponentList.hpp"
#include "IPipeline.hpp"
#include "protocol.hpp"

namespace Haze
    class Engine
        void init();
        void update();
        Entity *createEntity();
        Entity *getEntity(size_t id);
        void removeEntity(size_t id);
        void removeEntity(Entity *entity);
        bool isOpen();
        void setInfoInputs(info_inputs info, size_t id);
        ComponentList *getComponentList();
        std::vector<info_inputs> *getInfoInputs();

        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entity>> _entities;
        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IPipeline>> _pipelines;
        ComponentList *_componentList;
        std::vector<info_inputs> _infoInputs;


The purpose of the Engine class is to encapsulate the entire Haze ecosystem so it can be easily used and extended.


void init();
init is used just after the creation of the engine and and is used to setup everything in the class

void update();
update is used to compute one tic of the game. It launches every [[Pipeline]] in the engine

Entity *createEntity();
createEntity is used to add an entity to the engine

Entity *getEntity(size_t id);
getEntity is used to get an entity from the engine. Returns nullptr if the entity doesn't exits.

void removeEntity(size_t id);
void removeEntity(Entity *entity);
removeEntity deletes an entity from the engine

bool isOpen();
isOpen tells if the engine is still running

void setInfoInputs(info_inputs info, size_t id);
setInfoInputs is used to simulate input into the engine. Useful if the engine is running without haze-graphics in a server. It takes an info_inputs defined at [[Protocol]] and an id which is the number of the player how has sent this input.

[!warning] Here id 0 is where is stored the global inputs. It is filled automatically by the pullEvent system from haze-graphics If you are not taking inputs from other players you should not use this method.

ComponentList *getComponentList();
getComponentList gives the ComponentList of the program (mainly internal use)*

std::vector<info_inputs> *getInfoInputs();
getInfoInputs gives the list of all of the inputs registered in the engine (mainly internal use)*