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Bytecode Instructions

  1. Memory Management Instructions:
    • iload, uload, fload: Load an integer, unsigned integer or float from a local variable onto the operand stack. It takes the index and the size of the variable as arguments.
    • istore, ustore, fstore: Store an integer, unsigned integer or float at the top of the operand stack, into a local variable. It takes the index and the size of the variable as arguments.
    • iconst, uconst, fconst: Load an integer, unsigned integer or float from an argument onto the operand stack. It takes and the size of the variable and the variable as arguments.
    • funk: Creates a function with a number of instructions, written in bytes (8bits) as argument
  2. Arithmetic Instructions:
    • iadd, fadd: Add two (unsigned) integers or floats.
    • isub, fsub: Subtract two (unsigned) integers or floats.
    • imul, fmul: Multiply two (unsigned) integers or floats.
    • idiv, fdiv: Divide two (unsigned) integers or floats.
    • imod: Remainder after integer division.
  3. Comparison and Conditional Instructions:
    • ieq, ine, ilt, igt, ile, ige: Compare two (unsigned) integers. (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=)
    • feq, fne, flt, fgt, fle, fge: Compare two floats. (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=)
    • ift: Conditional jumps if true, take the number of bytes to jump as argument.
    • iff: Conditional jumps if false, take the number of bytes to jump as argument.
    • goto: Unconditional jump, take the number of bytes to jump as argument.
  4. Logical Instructions:
    • iand, ior, ixor: Bitwise AND, OR, XOR for integers.
  5. Control Flow Instructions:
    • invoke: Invoke method.
    • return: Return from the current method.
  6. Type Conversion Instructions:
    • i2f, f2i: Convert integer to float or float to integer.
  7. Stack Instructions:
    • pop: Pop the top element from the operand stack.
    • dup: Duplicate the top element on the operand stack.
    • popPrev: Pop the element below the top element from the operand stack.
    • iloadStack, floadStack, uloadStack: Load an integer, unsigned integer or float from the operand stack onto the operand stack. It takes the index and the size of the variable as arguments.
  8. Bitwise Instructions:
    • not: Bitwise NOT for integers.
  9. Type Conversion Instructions:
    • iconvert, uconvert, fconvert: Convert integer to unsigned integer or float, unsigned integer to integer or float, float to integer or unsigned integer.
  10. Memory Access Instructions:
    • addr: Get the address of a variable.
    • access: Access a variable at a given address.
    • modify: Modify a variable at a given address.
    • write: Write a value in the stdout.
    • allocate: Allocate a given number of bytes on the heap.
    • getArg: Get the argument at a given index.
Bin Code Instruction Argument
0x00 funk True
0x01 ... 0x03 iload, fload, uload True
0x04 ... 0x06 istore, fstore, ustore True
0x07 ... 0x09 iconst, fconst, uconst True
0x0A, 0x0B iadd, fadd False
0x0C, 0x0D isub, fsub False
0x0E, 0x0F imul, fmul False
0x10, 0x11 idiv, fdiv False
0x12 imod False
0x13 ... 0x18 ieq, ine, ilt, igt, ile, ige False
0x19 ... 0x1E feq, fne, flt, fgt, fle, fge False
0x1F, 0x20 ift, iff True
0x21 goto True
0x22 ... 0x24 iand, ior, ixor False
0x25 invoke True
0x26 return False
0x27, 0x28 i2f, f2i False
0x29 pop True
0x2A dup True
0x2B popPrev True
0x2C ... 0x2E iloadStack, floadStack, uloadStack True
0x2F not False
0x30 ... 0x32 iconvert, uconvert, fconvert True
0x33 addr True
0x34 access False
0x35 modify False
0x36 write False
0x37 allocate False
0x38 getArg False