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The Funk's AST is composed of several logic nodes. Those nodes provide the boilerplate functions for the language to execute logic:

  • sequence: a list of following instructions
  • define: initialize a variable with a given type
  • assign: change a defined variable's value
  • return: instruction for a scope to return a given expression
  • if: conditional statement, can optionnaly have an else block
  • while: iterative statement, looping over a scope given a condition
  • break: instruction for a loop to get out
  • continue: instruction for a loop to go to the next iteration

But it is also composes of node expressing values. As a function call, arithmetic or boolean operations and even array indexing:

  • call: a call to a defined function
  • indexing: dereference a pointer to an array with a given offset
  • int: a valid integer number
  • float: a valid floating number
  • array: an array of a given size and type
  • binop: a binary operator, logic or arithmetic
  • unop: a unary operator
  • identifier: the name of a variable

Using theses nodes the Funk's AST is able to sequence the logic of a funk program giving it iterative logic with the use of while loops, conditional logic using if and functional logic using call and lambda.


Here is the representation of the generated AST for a recursive factorial function:

diagram of recursive factorial function ast